Now the holiday has started for the students and even though most of them will work this summer, they will get time off from the course literature. We have conducted a survey on how and what the students read when they can choose freely and where they prefer to buy their books.
Category: English
Mecenat Insights – About banks and payments
The major banks dominate the student group – as in the population at large and cash payment is almost forgotten. They are for the most part replaced by digital payment in mobile or watch. That is, in a few sentences, a summary of the survey on banks and payment that we have done among Mecenat students.
Mecenat to partner with IK Investment Partners
IK Investment Partners is pleased to announce that funds advised by IK will be investing in Mecenat Holding AB. Financial terms of the transaction are not disclosed.
The Mecenat app celebrates 10 years
Throughout May, we celebrate 10-year anniversary of the Mecenat app. Together with our partners, we present exciting and student-unique discounts throughout the anniversary. In addition, there will be competitions and games with new great prizes every week, live broadcasts and much more. And of course, everything happens in the app.
Mecenat in collaboration with Lunar – Sweden’s newest banking app
Mecenat has started an exciting collaboration with the digital bank Lunar. They offer a new banking solution with all services completely online. Their customers, and now also Mecenat’s students, gets access to a completely new bank and financial services directly on their mobile phones. Without having to change banks, students can try out what the new generation of banking services has to offer during the launch campaign. In addition, they receive SEK 150 deposited in their newly started bank account.
Mecenat Insights – Students’ travel and vacation
This time of year, when the light has begun to return, a lot of people starts planning their vacation and looking for travel destinations. This is how it looks this year as well, but with a clear adaptation to the rules and restrictions that apply at present. Fewer people plan to travel and of those who do, the format will be smaller and the trips shorter.
Mecenat Insights – The food is moving online
More students order their groceries online and an unexpectedly large proportion also buy restaurant food with delivery to the door. When we look at the retail trade, it is the grocery giants that dominate in the student group, just as in the general population. These are some of the results from our latest Mecenat Insights on the topic of food and groceries.
Very high grades when students review the Mecenat app
Students appreciate their Mecenat app. During the fall, we passed 2 million downloads and they also like what they get. Just over 95 percent give the app very high ratings in the Swedish app-store, and they review it with comments such as “Best, so good discounts, flexible app!! Simple, flexible, good! Absolutely amazing”.
Student discount at Mio through Mecenat
Mecenat has started a collaboration with the furniture and interior design chain Mio, which now offers student discounts on selected parts of its range. The student discount provides 25 percent lower price at duvets and pillows as well as free home delivery of selected beds.
Mecenat Insights: Students plan a low-key Christmas with distance in both celebration and shopping
We have asked the students about Christmas and the Christmas celebration and they seem well prepared that this year’s holiday will not be as it usually is. They are planning a small-scale celebration with the family and the majority will shop online for Christmas. A lot of them started last week by shopping bargain gifts during Black Week.