Mecenat Alumni is an opportunity to get selected alumni discounts after completed studies. 600,000 young professionals who previously had a Mecenat card are offered discounts that they recognize from their study time. At launch, they will be able to take advantage of discounts from companies such as Halebop, Nelly, Apollo, Lensway, NA-KD, Philips, Boozt and many more.
Category: English
Nu lanserar vi Mecenat Alumni
Mecenat Alumni är en möjlighet att få utvalda alumnirabatter en tid efter avslutade studier. 600 000 young professionals som tidigare haft ett Mecenatkort erbjuds rabatter som de känner igen från sin studietid. Vid lanseringen kommer de kunna utnyttja rabatter från företag som Halebop, Nelly, Apollo, Lensway, NA-KD, Philips, Boozt och många fler.
Mecenat Connect – a brand new way to purchase with student discounts.
Mecenat Connect is a technology solution that enables students to confirm in real-time that they really are students. The students identify themselves via Mecenat, directly in the online store where they want to use their student discount. Junkyard is the first to apply the solution in their web shop and has now launched it in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.